Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Creating, Maintaining and Presenting a Homeschool Portfolio

Many school districts now require homeschoolers to present portfolios showing their student's progress in an organized fashion. This is actually a very convenient method of recording whenever it is done properly. Here are some ideas on how to create, maintain, and present your homeschool portfolio for a successful assessment, evaluation and review.
First of all, it is important to have a firm grasp on precisely what a homeschool portfolio is. Basically, a homeschool portfolio is a collection of materials that are used in order to showcase what your child has learned over the course of the "school year." This is important because numerous states require an annual assessment of homeschooled students either via testing or the presentation of a portfolio. While it may seem that keeping a portfolio is only good in so far as you need to comply with the law. This is not the case however. Portfolios can also help parents and their children to record their progress and achievements. This becomes even more important once a child has reached high school and needs a diploma.
Now that we understand the importance of a portfolio, it is also important to understand that there is no right or wrong way in which to create a portfolio. It is up to the parent and/or child what materials the portfolio will contain. However, it is a good idea to choose a variety of material in order to reflect what the child has learned, experienced and accomplished throughout the year. Some items that should be included in your portfolio are: Suggested items to include are:
(1.) A journal which contains notes about activities and the progress that has been made.
(2.) A list of resources (ie books, computer software, games, toys and outside classes).
(3.) Samples of the child's work (ie samples of creative writing and drawings, text book or workbook pages, and if possible you may include audio or video tapes of your child singing, playing a musical instrument, reading aloud, or taking part in a a dramatic performance - pictures will also sometimes work well in place of audio or video tapes).
(4.) Photos of field trips, artwork, projects and family life.
(5.) Brochures and booklets from field trips and other activities.
(6.) A list of books that the child has read including both the title and the author.
(7.) A list of your goals for the year.
While this may seem quite overwhelming, you'd honestly be surprised at how easily you can accomplish this when you start preparing your portfolio at the beginning of the year. Simply use a three ring binder and add paper for your journaling. Start off by listing a few of your goals for the year and what resources you'll be using to achieve those goals (these can be modified throughout the year as needed). Then begin collecting samples of work, organizing them by subject, and punching holes in them to place them in your binder. Always have at least a throw away camera at hand so that you can take pictures of anything that you'd like that your child does (ie reading, playing, dancing). You'll also want to take pictures at field trips as well as pictures of your child's projects and creations. These pictures can either be placed in a photo album or if you're feeling really craftsy you could organize them into a scrapbook. You'll also want to make sure to hold onto any brochures or other paper items that you collect while on an educational outing. These can be easily placed in clear see-through sheet protectors. This is also a good time to begin accumulating a list of books that are being read.
Once you have put together the beginnings of your portfolio, don't stop there. Regular maintenance (I suggest weekly as it will help you to write your lesson plans for the following week) should include regular journal entries and an ongoing collection of work samples, photos and whatever else you wish to include. Some school districts will require a quarterly assessment throughout your homeschool year. This is a time for parents and children to reflect upon their progress and accomplishments from the previous months. Yet, even if your school district doesn't require a quarterly review, you won't want to wait until the end of the year to scramble and race to put together a portfolio that your school district will approve of. Neither you nor your child deserve having to go through the unneeded stress of having to sort through all of the material that has been collected throughout the year.
When it is time for review you may choose to remove some of the materials from your portfolio. You will find that some of these things simply do not properly reflect what you've accomplished throughout the year. If/when you decide to weed through your portfolio, you need to remember that the purpose of the review is to provide a general overview of the homeschool year, demonstrate that the child is engaged in homeschooling and that progress is being made.
The portfolio review can be exciting since it provides both parents and children with a time to talk about what they've been doing at home. When discussing this with your child, you may find it helpful to write down a summary of the items that you wish to highlight during your year before the review. For instance, if your child learned to read or master a skill you may wish to point this out to the reviewer. Of course, you should never view your portfolio review as a time for you to be judged or ridiculed. It is a time to listen, learn and support from your reviewer. Your child does not need to be present during this time. However, if your child wants a chance to "brag" about their accomplishments and progress to other homeschoolers, then this review is a perfect opportunity for them to do so.
Reverend Brenda Hoffman, is ordained by the Universal Life Church, and has been delivering holistic wellness advice for over 7 years since receiving a BA in psychology with a minor in education. As a home-based professional and mother of 1, she operates a homeschool network. She invites you over to

Accredited Online College and University Programs

It is not unusual to grow indifferent toward your job. Lack of stimulating work, low pay, and limited growth potential within an organization are all excellent reasons to seek out a way to make a change. The best way to realize your full potential is to receive a college education. One of the best, and most convenient, ways to achieve this is by receiving a college education online. This innovative and exciting method of professional development is an ideal option if you are looking for a promotion, or if you are looking for a new career entirely. An education through an accredited online college or University program is your ticket to professional success.
There are many advantages of choosing to receive your education through an accredited online college or university. Studying for a college education online allows you to achieve your educational and professional goals at your own pace, whether you want to get a 2-year Associate’s degree, a 4-year Bachelor’s degree, or take an accelerated course program to receive a professional certificate. There is no need to live near or commute to a college when all classes can be attended and all work submitted online. Attending school online is a great option for those who might have uncertainties about going to college as an older student or returning after many years. Studying for a college education online can be an easy way to ease into the routine of class work and projects, and can reduce the stress of feeling the need to fit in with younger students. Further, course availability is often convenient for those who work full time or care for a family. Often, colleges offer evening and weekend classes.
There is an online college education available for just about every professional and academic discipline out there. Fields of study include Business, Social Sciences, Humanities, Education, Nursing, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, and various Healthcare programs. These are but a few of the subjects in which you can earn a college education by choosing an online program. Many online programs are delivered through colleges and Universities accredited by the U.S. Department of Education. Accreditation is an important credential to look for when choosing an online program if you have prior college credits you wish to transfer. Accredited institutions are also more readily recognized and accepted by employers and professional organizations.
You might be concerned about affording an education through an accredited online college or University. You have options. Often, financial aid is available to students in the form of grants, loans, even scholarships. Also, many employers are willing to pay for part or all of an employee’s tuition and fees. Investing in an employee’s future reaps benefits for everyone involved.
The misconception of receiving your education from an accredited online college or University is that the experience might not be as enriching or legitimate as attending campus-based courses at a traditional college or University. This just isn’t the case. Programs offered online present the same opportunities for group work, independent study, and interpersonal communications as their traditional counterparts. While it is true that being an online student requires a certain amount of self-discipline and organization, receiving your college education online will probably help to facilitate the learning process as well as develop your time management and self-motivation skills. With the prevalence of the Internet and advancements such as teleconferencing in both education and the business world today, it is possible to come away from the experience not only with a college education and your dream career, but also with greater knowledge and comfort with technology.
Receiving your education through an accredited online college or University is a valuable, convenient, and flexible way to broaden your career opportunities, and have the career you have always dreamt about.
Learn the essential information for picking the right online degree course at College and University Programs

Five Controversies in Physics Today

In this article, the author ventures out to communicate to the readers the major five problems of physics, the solution of any one of which shall largely, to a great extent affect the lives of one and all. Also, the author's own viewpoint on them is provided. In this article the first three shall be discussed, and the last two shall be dealt with separately as they require a higher degree of knowledge of Physics. The five major controversies in the field of physics, as the author sees them, are:
Validity of Theory of Relativity
Formation and Evolution of Galaxies
Existence of Life elsewhere
Presence of higher dimensions, which leads to The Holy Grail of Physics, the Grand Unification of All Forces
Validity of the Theory of Relativity:
The General Theory of Relativity has withstood all the experiments and tests meted out to it so far. However, still, the possibility of it failing at some level, is not out. The General Theory of Relativity yields accurate results even at the galactic level, however, it is to be seen whether it holds true at the threshold of time itself, a black hole. Moreover, there is a hypothesis known as the Dirac's Large Number Hypothesis that states that the Gravitational Constant may itself vary with time. If that is true, then The Theory of General Relativity can be proved wrong. Though this hypothesis has not been proved as yet, it may be proved some day in the future. Though general relativity has withstood the tests of time so far and is unrivalled, it is to be remembered that it is the theories without effective rivals that need the most vigilant testing.
Formation of Galaxies:
The exact model of the formation of galaxies has not yet been completely understood, it is still under much speculation. With recent evidence of the presence of supermassive black holes at the centre of galaxies, a very likely model is that the formation of galaxies is related to the formation of the black hole at the galactic centre. A few scientists believe that the formation of a black hole might have triggered the formation of a galaxy.
Existence of life elsewhere:
This question, whether life exists elsewhere or not, is gaining popularity. There are many who are quite optimistic of the idea whereas a few others don't quite encourage this thought. The author falls into the former category. It shall be too egoistic to imagine we are the sole life-form in this vast universe. However, only time will tell.
The author has an inclination towards Physics,mathematics, game theory and psychology.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Creating, Maintaining and Presenting a Homeschool Portfolio

Many school districts now require homeschoolers to present portfolios showing their student's progress in an organized fashion. This is actually a very convenient method of recording whenever it is done properly. Here are some ideas on how to create, maintain, and present your homeschool portfolio for a successful assessment, evaluation and review.
First of all, it is important to have a firm grasp on precisely what a homeschool portfolio is. Basically, a homeschool portfolio is a collection of materials that are used in order to showcase what your child has learned over the course of the "school year." This is important because numerous states require an annual assessment of homeschooled students either via testing or the presentation of a portfolio. While it may seem that keeping a portfolio is only good in so far as you need to comply with the law. This is not the case however. Portfolios can also help parents and their children to record their progress and achievements. This becomes even more important once a child has reached high school and needs a diploma.
Now that we understand the importance of a portfolio, it is also important to understand that there is no right or wrong way in which to create a portfolio. It is up to the parent and/or child what materials the portfolio will contain. However, it is a good idea to choose a variety of material in order to reflect what the child has learned, experienced and accomplished throughout the year. Some items that should be included in your portfolio are: Suggested items to include are:
(1.) A journal which contains notes about activities and the progress that has been made.
(2.) A list of resources (ie books, computer software, games, toys and outside classes).
(3.) Samples of the child's work (ie samples of creative writing and drawings, text book or workbook pages, and if possible you may include audio or video tapes of your child singing, playing a musical instrument, reading aloud, or taking part in a a dramatic performance - pictures will also sometimes work well in place of audio or video tapes).
(4.) Photos of field trips, artwork, projects and family life.
(5.) Brochures and booklets from field trips and other activities.
(6.) A list of books that the child has read including both the title and the author.
(7.) A list of your goals for the year.
While this may seem quite overwhelming, you'd honestly be surprised at how easily you can accomplish this when you start preparing your portfolio at the beginning of the year. Simply use a three ring binder and add paper for your journaling. Start off by listing a few of your goals for the year and what resources you'll be using to achieve those goals (these can be modified throughout the year as needed). Then begin collecting samples of work, organizing them by subject, and punching holes in them to place them in your binder. Always have at least a throw away camera at hand so that you can take pictures of anything that you'd like that your child does (ie reading, playing, dancing). You'll also want to take pictures at field trips as well as pictures of your child's projects and creations. These pictures can either be placed in a photo album or if you're feeling really craftsy you could organize them into a scrapbook. You'll also want to make sure to hold onto any brochures or other paper items that you collect while on an educational outing. These can be easily placed in clear see-through sheet protectors. This is also a good time to begin accumulating a list of books that are being read.
Once you have put together the beginnings of your portfolio, don't stop there. Regular maintenance (I suggest weekly as it will help you to write your lesson plans for the following week) should include regular journal entries and an ongoing collection of work samples, photos and whatever else you wish to include. Some school districts will require a quarterly assessment throughout your homeschool year. This is a time for parents and children to reflect upon their progress and accomplishments from the previous months. Yet, even if your school district doesn't require a quarterly review, you won't want to wait until the end of the year to scramble and race to put together a portfolio that your school district will approve of. Neither you nor your child deserve having to go through the unneeded stress of having to sort through all of the material that has been collected throughout the year.
When it is time for review you may choose to remove some of the materials from your portfolio. You will find that some of these things simply do not properly reflect what you've accomplished throughout the year. If/when you decide to weed through your portfolio, you need to remember that the purpose of the review is to provide a general overview of the homeschool year, demonstrate that the child is engaged in homeschooling and that progress is being made.
The portfolio review can be exciting since it provides both parents and children with a time to talk about what they've been doing at home. When discussing this with your child, you may find it helpful to write down a summary of the items that you wish to highlight during your year before the review. For instance, if your child learned to read or master a skill you may wish to point this out to the reviewer. Of course, you should never view your portfolio review as a time for you to be judged or ridiculed. It is a time to listen, learn and support from your reviewer. Your child does not need to be present during this time. However, if your child wants a chance to "brag" about their accomplishments and progress to other homeschoolers, then this review is a perfect opportunity for them to do so.
by: Reverend Brenda Hoffman
Reverend Brenda Hoffman, is ordained by the Universal Life Church, and has been delivering holistic health and wellness advice for over 7 years since receiving a BA in psychology. As a home-based professional and mother of 1, she operates a holistic wellness network. She invites you over to to learn how to improve you and your family's health.

Christmas Customs Around the World

December is well-known for Christmas but do you know how people in countries around the world celebrate it? Here are some customs from various parts of the world.
Greeting - Merry Christmas
Santa's Name - Santa Claus. Children leave him a piece of cake or biscuits and a glass of milk or a bottle of beer.
Food - Many Christmas dinners include roasted meats and vegetables, special fruit cakes, and puddings with a coin baked inside. Since the temperature can reach 100 degrees Fahrenheit, people are starting to eat cold meats and salads, tropical fruits like mangoes, and stone fruits like plums. Often, the main meal is eaten for lunch.
Gifts - These are left under the Christmas tree and opened Christmas morning.
Decorations - Shops and homes are decorated with tinsel, Christmas trees, decorations for the holiday, and special lights.
Customs - Traditional and Australian carols are sung by candlelight on Christmas Eve and are broadcast on television. On Boxing Day, the day after Christmas, two sporting events take place:
The Boxing Day Test Match (cricket game) and the start of the Sydney to Hobart Yacht Race.
Greeting - Feliz Natal
Santa's Name - Papai Noel (Father Noel), who is dressed in a red, silk suit with boots.
Food - Many people eat a traditional feast with roast turkey and vegetables, while others eat chicken and rice or beans. Beer and wine are also served. Some regions begin eating around 9 PM on Christmas Eve, while others eat around midnight.
Gifts - Local charities take in donations but do not seem to have enough presents for all the children.
Decorations - Brazil has a mixture of people so Christmas is celebrated in different ways. In the northeastern area, it is common to find Nativity Scenes; in the southern part, snow is simulated with little pieces of cotton on pine trees.
Customs - Brazilians sing a number of Christmas carols.
Greeting - Eftihismena Christougenna
Food - Special holiday cakes are baked.
Gifts - Most Greek people exchange gifts on Saint Basil's Day, January 1.
Customs - To honor Saint Basil, the holiday cakes have gold coins hidden inside them. The cakes are cut at midnight on New Year's Eve. Whoever has a gold coin in his piece of cake will have good luck the following year.
Santa's Name - Actually, the Baby Jesus is said to bring presents on Christmas Eve. A bell sounds signaling that the Angels have brought the tree and gifts.
Customs - On December 5, children leave out their shoes. During the night, Mikulas and Black Peter come to fill them with goodies for well-behaved children and switches for naughty children.
Decorations - Sometimes, houses are decorated with mango leaves; mango or banana trees are also decorated. Small, clay, oil-burning lamps are placed on the edges of flat roofs as decorations.
Greeting - Chag Semeach (Happy Chanukah)
Santa's Name - Actually, parents, grandparents, and other family members give presents to the children.
Food - Because oil is an important part of the holiday, many foods are prepared with it. A favorite is potato latkes (pancakes).
Gifts - Since Chanukah lasts for eight days, children may receive one present each night.
Decorations - Jewish stars, blue or silver foil garlands,
dreidels (spinning tops), Chanukah gelt (chocolate coins), and pictures of the Macabees (Jewish army that recaptured the Holy Temple and Jerusalem from the Assyrian Greek King Antiochus) are found around the house.
Customs - The menorah (candelabra) is lit each night. On the first night, one candle is lit; on, the second night, two candles; and so on until all the candles are lit on the eighth night. After lighting the candles, families eat a festive meal, dance, play games, and open presents. They also attend Chanukah parties.
Greeting - Kurisumasu Omedeto
Santa's Name - Santa Kurohsu. He does not appear in person but is pictured in advertisements as a kind old man with a round sack on his back.
Food - Depending upon the family's custom, they eat turkey on Christmas Day or on Christmas Eve. Japanese families also eat Christmas cake.
Gifts - Stores sell merchandise for men, women, and children; and on Christmas Day, families exchange gifts.
Decorations - More and more artificial Christmas trees are beginning to appear. They are decorated with small toys, gold paper fans, dolls, lanterns, paper ornaments, and wind chimes. A popular ornament is the origami swan. Other decorations are mistletoe, evergreen, tinsel, and lights. An amulet is put on the front door for good luck and children exchange 'birds of peace,' pledging there must not be anymore war.
Customs - The daiku, or Great Nine, refers to Beethoven's Ninth Symphony and is performed many places.
Greeting - Feliz Navidad
Customs - Beginning on December 15, some families carry colorful lanterns and walk from house to house in their neighborhoods, each night, until Christmas Eve. This is called La Posada, which means 'the procession.' On each of the nights, the families are invited into different houses where they become guests at a party. There is plenty to eat and drink. Children play the pinata game, trying to break open the papier-mache figure with a stick while blindfolded; when it is cracked open, candies and small gifts fall out.
Greeting - Hartelijke Kerstroeten
Santa's Name - Sinterklaas (St. Nicholas), who wears a red bishop's hat and bishop's cloak and has white hair and a white beard. He arrives on a white horse with his servant, Black Pete, to put small gifts in children's wooden shoes.
Food - The Dutch people eat lots of marzipan, spiced ginger biscuits, tall chocolate letters, and 'bankletter' - initials made of pastry and filled with almond paste. When they are around the Christmas tree singing songs, they eat 'Kerstkrans' - a Christmas ring.
Gifts - On December 6, after hearing a knock at their door, children find a bag full of toys, nuts, and gifts.
Decorations - The Christmas tree is known as the Paradise Tree. Decorations of the season include dolls, musical instruments, fruit, candies, and lights.
Customs - The Dutch sing carols, the most popular one being "O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree."
Greeting - God Jul
Food - Coffee, cakes, and special buns are served on Santa Lucia Day, December 13.
Customs - Santa Lucia Day honors Saint Lucy, who helped blind people. The oldest daughter in each Swedish household dresses in a white gown with a red sash, wears a crown of evergreen
with seven candles in it, awakens the family with a song, and serves the coffee, cakes, and buns. Each town and city also chooses a young woman to be Lucia for the day. She then serves coffee and food to the townspeople at schools, hospitals, and other public buildings. From these women, a national Lucia is chosen; followed by a parade, feast, and dance.
Now that you have this data, let your children put the information in a comparison chart. Label the left side with the names of the countries and the bottom with the various information (ie: Greeting, Food, and so on). Then fill in the boxes!
Let your children do research to find out the information I left out.
Conduct research to find out the same customs for other countries, especially the heritage countries of students in your class or your own family.
However you celebrate the holidays, have a safe, wonderful season and a Happy New Year!
I hope these ideas are useful and inspire your own creative thinking.
And remember...Reading is FUNdamental!
by: Freda J. Glatt, MS
Freda J. Glatt, MS, retired from teaching after a 34-year career in Early Childhood and Elementary Education. Her focus, now, is to reach out and help others reinforce reading comprehension and develop a love for reading. Visit her site at Reading is FUNdamental! Copyright © 2003-2005 Sandral Sensations, Inc., Fort Lauderdale, Florida All Rights Reserved

Reading Activity For Kindergarten

As a homeschooler one of the most important tasks for you to accomplish in your child at an early age is getting them interested in and developing good reading habits. At an early age learning to recognize letters, the sounds they make and words they eventually form should be an activity and not a structured assignment. A great reading activity for kindergarten aged children, for example is to read to them.
A natural progression in your reading activities with your children is that after you read them to a passage from the story; have them paraphrase the story back to you. This will help you to understand what level of listening ability and understanding they are at, as well has help them to begin building their vocabulary as they work to find new words they can use with their description of the story they are giving back to you.
Good reading activities don’t always have to occur at the house, or just before bedtime. While you’re running errands around town or on vacation, perhaps have the kids begin to collect words from signs, or spell objects they see. Encourage them to learn different ways to describe objects see. Instead something big, it may by huge, or enormous... or even of gargantuan proportion! Have you child arrange the words they have collected into silly sentences or phrases. Even something as simple as collecting letters from signs, license plates, and such to work their way through the alphabet is a good kindergarten age reading activity.
Not in the car, or travel around much? Use every day items around the house to do the same thing. Labels, there are plenty of labels around the house. Actually put labels on everyday items around the house so your child can associate the spelling, and reading with a tangible item. Then, after a while, take the labels off the items and help your child read and re-label the house.
Once you get your creative juices flowing, you’ll come up with many more reading activities. The key is to make reading activities an every day part of their life. Make an effort to spend an hour a day reading more with an hour less of television. T.V. is an extremely passive thought processing activity. While reading and using one’s imagination is a source of growth and a great foundation from which to build.
by: Mary Joyce
Mary Joyce is a former educator, successful homeschool parent, and the primary contributor to the Homeschool-Curriculum-4u website. Please visit ( for a complete list of Mary's articles, resources on homeschool, ideas, and curriculum information.
Also tips guides and how-to's to help you successfully teach your child at home.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Securities License

If you are looking to break into the securities industry or work for a broker-dealer, there are certain securities licenses that you should keep in mind.
People who are currently outside the business or graduating from college are well served in this job market to get some license training and completion.
The NASD is the National Association of Securities Dealers. Broker Dealers who are members of the NASD must have their employees licensed based on the job functions of those employees. The NASD is the regulatory authority of the broker dealer industry. There are several licenses that the NASD recognizes to work in the securities industry. Some can be obtained before you enter the business. Other licenses need to be "sponsored" by your employing firm. That means, while you can begin studying for sponsored exams, you can not sit for the actual exams until you are hired. All of the NASD exams (once you are registered)can be taken any day of the week (Mon-Fri) at hundreds of testing centers throughout the country.
Licenses to consider that do not require sponsorship
  • Series 65 - The Series 65 licenses you as a Registered Investment Advisor. This is an excellent designation to get before you enter the job market. The license itself is for financial advising. Giving investment advice on assets you are overseeing for a fee. It looks very strong on a resume and it is only a 130 question multiple choice exam. Even if you are unsure of the area of finance to work in, this license is a plus. Employers will consider any licensing a bonus over other candidates who have not obtained this certification. As I said, it does NOT require company sponsorship. Get this first.
  • Series 63 - The Series 63 covers the Uniform State Law content of the business. The exam is a short test of state laws, registration procedures and terminology. The license is for registered brokers and advisors. Most states require the 63, before representatives can call out of state investors. This license can be obtained on your own and does not require company sponsorship. Brokerage firms will look for this on your resume.
  • Series 3 - The Series 3 exam is specific to the futures and commodities market. It is administered through the NASD testing network, but it is a NFA (National Futures Association) license. Most firms that do not work in this market will not consider this license very important or needed, but if you ever land with a futures firm, you will need it. As with any license, it doesn't hurt to get it at all.
There are a few other futures tests (Series 30 and 31), but neither needs to be taken unless you are looking to work specifically with futures - commodity related securities.
Securities license designations such as the Series 7 and Series 6 require company sponsorship before sitting for these exams. Get the licenses you can get on your own. Once you are hired, your company will sponsor you for other exams, if required by your company.
Get the edge in your finance career and begin some securities license training. Do what you can to get your resume placed on top of the pile!
Nick Hunter is the President of American Investment Training (AIT) - a securities license training company. He writes for - A career website for incoming brokers and advisors.

Preparing for a Semester Abroad is Hard to Do

Students packing for a trip to another country are often confused - I know I was. It's not hard to wonder how on earth you'll manage to have everything you'll need. After all, you won't know anyone where you're going, or even speak the language most times.
While no advice or tidbit of information can truly prepare someone to spend time in another country, there is some advice to be had. Most importantly, prepare early! Items like passports and vaccinations are extremely important, and may take a long time to get.
Of course, the only way to know exactly which visas and vaccinations you'll need is to do some reading about the place you're going. This reading can also help you prepare for customs requirements for your return trip - everyone likes to bring home gifts and it's important not to buy something that could cause problems when you try to bring it back home.
Familiarizing yourself with the travel requirements, though, isn't the only learning you'll need to do. Each country has its own weather, culture, and expectations of travelers. It's important to have some idea of what to expect when you step off the plane. However, remember that reading other peoples' accounts can only go so far in preparing you for your own experiences!
Finally, the best advice I was given: Pack less clothing than you think you'll need. You will almost certainly buy more clothes while you're in the country. You'll also want to remember that clothes, souvenirs, and gifts for family and friends back home take up space, so packing with some extra room in your suitcases is a good idea. I managed to pack an extra bag inside my suitcase, so when it came time for the trip home I had plenty of extra space. Still, you can always ship any non-essential items back home in the mail if you do run out of space.
So, when planning to study or travel abroad, a student's best friend is planning - not procrastination. Spend a bit of time making a list of everything you'll want to do, and what dates you'll need to do it by. This should make study abroad a breeze.
Jennifer Smith finished her degree at Florida State University by spending a semester studying abroad in the Republic of Panama. She writes for many travel websites.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Study Abroad Gives "Study" a New Meaning

I was only just getting settled onto the plane when I began to have a sinking feeling that I was in over my head. The voice over the intercom told me in fluent Spanish just how unprepared I was for the journey I was about to embark on, convincing me of what I already felt I knew. My three years of college Spanish were not going to prepare me for a semester in the Republic of Panama.
My training in Spanish had earned me a minor, any my LonelyPlanet guide book assured me that English was spoken nearly as widely as Spanish, though I was fairly sure it was overstating just a tad. My school would be in English, but I hadn't yet been assigned a dorm, nor did I know anyone who would be attending. I was leaving everything and everyone I knew behind for four months.
Getting off the plane was worse. Passing through customs was something I'd never done in my own language, let alone one I didn't know. Still, I was excited. Here was my chance to truly learn this new language. Signs were like those I was used to from home, only the Spanish was listed first instead of in the fine print. This I could get used to! As long as I could make it through Customs.
To my very flustered relief, I found that the customs officials didn't need to speak to me at all, so long as I had filled out all the paperwork, so I went to grab my suitcase and pass on through. A metal detector later, and I was free to go out into the terminal and was hit by a wall of balmy air that quickly turned quite simply hot as I searched for the face of a program director I'd never seen before.
She was there, with a glittery sign stating that she was there to pick us up. Apparently there were four of us coming in on the flight from Miami, and one who had arrived on a flight from Costa Rica earlier in the day. "You know, you're the first person I've ever seen to come with only one suitcase!" she exclaimed. I tried to bite back panic, "Well, I packed another one inside." She agreed that it was, in fact, a good idea, and suggested I go wait with my Costa Rican compatriot, and I did. "He's got a surf board," she said, "You'll see him."
It wasn't much of a stretch to believe he'd be easy to find. This was by far the smallest airport I'd seen, except for the small municipal airport near my home. And find him I did, without much of a stretch. We chatted while the other girls met up with our leader, then we loaded into an old white van, which we would quickly learn to love as a main mode of transit for any kind of group trip, and the same style vans were used as buses for cross-country travel, though this van's life had certainly seen a lot less action than those.
This was the beginning of an experience like no other, where I learned a bit more Spanish than I ever thought I'd know. I made friends I never thought I'd have. And I created a history I can never forget. The hardest part was stepping off of that plane. The rest? The rest is history.
Of course, that's what everyone says. And when I was getting onto that plane, all I wanted was to hear more than those trite words of encouragement. If I heard one more person tell me it was the "time of their life" or an "unforgettable experience" I thought I might scream.
I wanted someone to tell me how things went, how they met new people, and the things they saw. It's just that those other parts are so hard to detail out. You meet new people in much the same way you meet all new people, but the only bond you may find you have with the people on the program is that you're all in it together. Often, that can prove to be enough.
Things work out, and you all work together. One of my most memorable experiences was trying with the help of 3 girls and a Spanish-English electronic translator to explain where we were going. We must have found the only cabbie in the whole city that didn't know where we were trying to go, but we got there eventually.
I can't say that there was any one thing that made this such a unique experience, but the top thing I remember is that we all had to work together to get where we were going. That's the kind of thing that can help to create bonds and friendships and truly bring people together.
So, if you want to know what all the buzz is about, you'll have to jump in and give it a try for yourself. Any experiences you have will be uniquely yours, and you'll never lose them. Why not give it a go?
Jennifer Smith writes for several travel websites, and spent a semester studying in the Republic of Panama and finishing a degree in writing at Florida State University.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Take Advantage of the Exploding Popularity in Distance Learning Colleges to Advance Your Career

Distance learning colleges are popping up all over the world. One of the most well-known, University of Phoenix, started in 1976 with 8 students. Currently, its academic enrollment numbers more than 200,000 students located all over the world, making it the largest private, accredited university of the distance learning colleges. In fact, it's the largest private accredited university in the United States, period. Over 100,000 of those students are enrolled strictly in the online distance learning programs.
Distance learning colleges are flourishing for a number of reasons. There is our fast changing economy. People need to stay up to date on their skills, or constantly acquire new one's so that they can advance in their career and stay valuable to their employer, without becoming obsolete.
There are also many people who feel education is a lifelong pursuit and not something that stops once you graduate from college. Both of these lead into one of the biggest reasons for the popularity of distance learning education and that is convenience.
We all lead very hectic lives and the one thing we always seem to be short of is time. Distance learning colleges eliminate the time aspect of education as much as it can be eliminated.
Continuing your education through distance learning eliminates a lot of the hassles of night school. You don't have to work all day and then drive to class, spend three hours of your evening, drive home, and then study. You can just log on to your computer when you get home instead. This is a much less stressful way to pursue a degree. Another advantage is not going through the hassle and stress of finding the right classes, in the right order, that are available at a time that is at least somewhat convenient for you.
What happens when a class you need is only available Tuesday evenings from 6 - 9 and that's the one night of the week that you travel for your job. You're out of luck. But attending college or graduate school through distance learning gets rid of that obstacle. You can get an online degree instead.
Another big obstacle in the way of getting an education is money. There aren't many of us that can quit work to go back to school full time. With a distance learning program you can get an online degree without giving up your current job. This makes it a heck of a lot easier to pursue your degree when you can keep your current income while you go to school.
The virtual classroom that is available in most distance learning colleges offers other advantages compared with typical academic settings, and that's 24-hour access to programs, faculty, and the other students, as well.
With the large number of distance learning colleges you can choose from today, you can find a degree or certification, or continuing education courses, in almost any subject, from journalism, to an MBA, to a PhD, Law degree, accounting, bachelor's, engineering, culinary school, investing, real estate, paralegal, medical billing and more.
Rob Thomas is a freelance writer and the webmaster for, where you'll find more free articles on distance learning and online degrees. Have a look around at all the information on distance learning colleges so you can decide what distance learning model is best for your life, goals, and situation.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Music And The Brain

What is the connection between music and the brain? Is it possible that music can help you think better? The research says yes, and after telling you about some of it, I'll let you in on an even faster way to boost your brain power with music.
Music And The Brain - The Research
The research shows that music actually trains the brain for higher forms of thinking. Listening to, and participating in music also creates new neural pathways in your brain that stimulate creativity. An article in a Newsweek (2/19/96) reported on a study from the University of California.
In the study, researchers followed the progress of three-year-olds, split into two groups. The first group had no particular training in, or exposure to music. The second group studied piano and sang daily in chorus. After eight months the musical three-year-olds were much better at solving puzzles, and when tested, scored 80% higher in spatial intelligence than the non-musical group.
Brain Music
A study on music and the brain, done at UC Irvine's Center for Neurobiology of Learning and Memory involved 36 students. They were given three spatial reasoning tests on a standard IQ test.
Just before the first test, they listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448 for ten minutes.
Before the second test, they listened to a relaxation tape.
Before the third, they sat in silence.
The average scores for all 36 students: 1st test: 119. 2nd test: 111. 3rd test: 110.
That's an average increase of 9 iq points from listening to Mozart. It's assumed that their intelligence didn't increase, but that the music put them in a state that gave them better access to the resources of their brains. However, other studies do show that repeated exposure to slow music can permanently increas you IQ, so play that Mozart!
Brain Wave Entrainment
Your brain wave frequencies vary according to the state you are in. For example, daydreaming and meditation usually take place in the "Alpha" range of frequencies. Alert concentration is in the "Beta" range. "Brain wave entrainment" products have beats, usually embedded in music, that your brain starts to follow.
If you listen to music containing beats at a frequency of 10 Hz (in the Alpha range) it will feel very relaxing. This is because your brain will begin to follow this frequency and reproduce the rhythm in the music. You'll generate more brain waves at a 10 Hz frequency and enter a relaxed Alpha mental state. This is the idea behind brain wave entrainment.
This may be why some types of music have certain effects, but not all brain wave entrainment Cds use music. Some use the raw "binaural beats" as they are sometimes called, embedded in white noise, or in sounds of nature. (I have used these products and find them to be pretty powerful , especially the ones for relaxation.)
Whether you use "binaural beats," or just pop a Mozart CD into the player, you can increase your brain power easily. Try it today. It is doubtful that Mozart will harm you, so why wait for more research to be done on music and the brain?
Steve Gillman has been studying brainpower and related topics for years. For more on How To Increase Brain Power, and to get the Brain Power Newsletter and other free gifts, visit:

Should We Fear Death?

Death is not something that many people want to think about. However, death is a part of living a human life. At least, our current level of science and technology acknowledges that death is inevitable.
Is death something to be afraid of or is death something to look forward to? The answer may depend on who you talk to.
Aside from the obvious religious answers, what body of information exists that can help us to approach this question with some degree of logical thinking? When exacting scientific evidence is lacking, our only option is to consider the anecdotal or subjective experiences that others have had.
Fortunately, there is a body of information that leads to the formation of some interesting thoughts on the subject of death and what it is or what it might lead to. You can find this resource at
Each person is encouraged to draw their own conclusions. Yet, I would like to share some of my thoughts and opinions on the matter.
Many people who have a near-death experience have strikingly similar experiences. There are some who report a horrible experience but the majority report more positive experiences.
Some may have gone to a terrible place, while others seem to leave the pain of the mortal body behind and experience an interesting journey before they revive. Both kinds of experiences have been recorded.
One striking similarity is the 'life review' process. This has been reported as a review of one's entire life where each event is played out before your eyes. People that have experienced this process say that you suddenly become aware of how you affected the people you interacted with during your life.
If you did something that caused them pain, you may become cognizant of those feelings as if you were experiencing them yourself. People report that they feel regretful. The experience doesn't just extend to that one person, but the effects are like a ripple in a pond and you see how that ripple affects multiple people.
On the other hand, if you did something good you experience that as well. It does appear that the good things involve acting from compassion. For example, one lady said the most significant act of her entire life occurred when she was a little girl. She cupped a flower in her hand and gave it 'unconditional love'.
Others don't experience an in depth life review, theirs lasts a few seconds and doesn't seem to have much impact. Experiences vary someowhat. However, the fundamental similarities remain.
Can a person change as a result of a near-death experience? I was struck by the example of one person who was a self described atheist and hateful person. After his near-death experience he became a minister and a kinder, gentler soul. The change was not only noted by himself, but also by his family members.
Wouldn't it be fascinating to actually talk to a person who has had a near-death experience? I remember listening to a gentleman named Dannion Brinkley talk about his NDEs (near death experiences). He actually had more than one in his life due to an unfortunate propensity to attract lightning. I found his insights to be very interesting.
If you want to read more about NDEs, visit Although it is hard to classify the information there as anything more than subjective, there is a large body of recorded experiences there. Perhaps it will provide you with more insight as to whether death should be feared or not.
Dave Snape is a health, fitness and wellness enthusiast. He writes for

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Should We Fear Death?

Death is not something that many people want to think about. However, death is a part of living a human life. At least, our current level of science and technology acknowledges that death is inevitable.
Is death something to be afraid of or is death something to look forward to? The answer may depend on who you talk to.
Aside from the obvious religious answers, what body of information exists that can help us to approach this question with some degree of logical thinking? When exacting scientific evidence is lacking, our only option is to consider the anecdotal or subjective experiences that others have had.
Fortunately, there is a body of information that leads to the formation of some interesting thoughts on the subject of death and what it is or what it might lead to. You can find this resource at
Each person is encouraged to draw their own conclusions. Yet, I would like to share some of my thoughts and opinions on the matter.
Many people who have a near-death experience have strikingly similar experiences. There are some who report a horrible experience but the majority report more positive experiences.
Some may have gone to a terrible place, while others seem to leave the pain of the mortal body behind and experience an interesting journey before they revive. Both kinds of experiences have been recorded.
One striking similarity is the 'life review' process. This has been reported as a review of one's entire life where each event is played out before your eyes. People that have experienced this process say that you suddenly become aware of how you affected the people you interacted with during your life.
If you did something that caused them pain, you may become cognizant of those feelings as if you were experiencing them yourself. People report that they feel regretful. The experience doesn't just extend to that one person, but the effects are like a ripple in a pond and you see how that ripple affects multiple people.
On the other hand, if you did something good you experience that as well. It does appear that the good things involve acting from compassion. For example, one lady said the most significant act of her entire life occurred when she was a little girl. She cupped a flower in her hand and gave it 'unconditional love'.
Others don't experience an in depth life review, theirs lasts a few seconds and doesn't seem to have much impact. Experiences vary someowhat. However, the fundamental similarities remain.
Can a person change as a result of a near-death experience? I was struck by the example of one person who was a self described atheist and hateful person. After his near-death experience he became a minister and a kinder, gentler soul. The change was not only noted by himself, but also by his family members.
Wouldn't it be fascinating to actually talk to a person who has had a near-death experience? I remember listening to a gentleman named Dannion Brinkley talk about his NDEs (near death experiences). He actually had more than one in his life due to an unfortunate propensity to attract lightning. I found his insights to be very interesting.
If you want to read more about NDEs, visit Although it is hard to classify the information there as anything more than subjective, there is a large body of recorded experiences there. Perhaps it will provide you with more insight as to whether death should be feared or not.
Dave Snape is a health, fitness and wellness enthusiast. He writes for

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Holographic Disaster Psychological Conditioning

Often first responders to large natural disasters get themselves into a place where the death and the destruction literally makes them ineffective. Their brains are over whelmed and they cannot turn them back on to do their job. This causes them to become part of the problem instead of the solution and thus they are just in the way.
Often Dogs searching for victims of major disasters like earthquakes refuse to work, as they keep searching but only find dead people and no one living, they just quit trying. After natural disasters people often have psychological trauma, which prevents them from functioning properly in normal society, interpersonal relationships and it often affects their jobs too.
Lately there has been much talk about using virtual reality technologies to help soldiers get over shell shock or emotional problems, but I would like to pitch an idea to everyone involved with helping people who have lived through these traumatic events.
I propose that we use Holographic Technologies are getting closer to becoming reality and deploy them before these first responders and soldiers enter the battlefield or disaster scene. Waiting until after without preparing humans can be problematic and takes much more work that pre-conditioning does.
Holographic Technologies are ghostly like images rather than pictures of graphic scenes a person walking thru a virtual reality or augmented reality cave with holographic images in 3D around them might get a better sense and a slower pre-conditioning to help them psychologically. One they are in the real life situation it is too late for training and it takes a lot to undo such graphic visual imagery impressions in the brain. Think on this.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Monday, November 21, 2005

Introducing the Mysterious NTU Elder

Introducing the Mysterious NTU Elder as he holds his own “life-credit” classes around the Naked Truth University campus every day for curious students.
* The NTU Elder:Listen to me my young apprentice. Look at your reflection in the still water of this pond and tell me what you see.
* Student:Me? I see my reflection in the pond.
* The NTU Elder:Good. Now from my point of view I can see two of you, correct?
* Student:Yeah I guess. You can see my physical body and my reflection in the pond. So that’s two, right?
* The NTU Elder:Yes, now I ask you which one holds the key to your happiness: your body or your reflection?
* Student:I, I don’t know.
* The NTU Elder:The answer lies with the “you” in the reflection. Your body only asks for nutrients, exercise and fresh air to be happy, yet your reflection on the other hand seems to need every possible whim and desire satisfied before it allows itself to be truly happy.
* Student:If that’s correct I’ll never be truly happy! I have thousands of desires. I’ll never be able to satisfy them all.
* The NTU Elder:Precisely, so stop trying, my young friend. Look deeply now into your reflection and state out loud, “I’d rather be happy today with who I am right now without reason instead of waiting for some day when I hopefully become something better.”
* Student:Aaaa…okay, “I’d rather be happy today with who I am right now without reason instead of waiting for someday when I hopefully become something better.”
* The NTU Elder:Good, now say it louder.
* Student:“I’d rather be happy today with who I am right now without reason, instead of waiting for someday when I hopefully become something better!”
* The NTU Elder:Excellent, now take a slow deep breath, feel the words in your throat, and say it again….but this time truly believe it.
* The NTU Elder:Very good. Now when you continue to say this, you’re actually altering your state of mind from a hopeless slave of your desires, to a soldier of happiness and opportunity. Do you understand the simplicity of this transformation?
* Student:Yes, I feel better already.
* The NTU Elder:Good. Whenever you feel low, remember this quick exercise and repeat it out loud. What have you got to lose?
* Student:Nothing, I guess.
* The NTU Elder:Good guess.
The Mysterious no-named “Elder” continues to drop some deep knowledge regarding the foundation of the NTU motto. (With Joe’s Translations in Parentheses)
The more we analyze the things that happen to us, the clearer it becomes that everything we encounter is filtered through our individual points of view. If we have a point of view that the world is out to get us, everyday will seem like just another onslaught that we have to fend off. If our point of view is that everything is a waste of time, then all of our results will be lame at best.
On the other hand, if our point of view is one of having “Nothing 2 Lose,” we won’t care about the possible embarrassing or negative results of our actions. Every situation we encounter using the “Nothing 2 Lose” outlook will turn into a win-win/no-lose lifestyle.
The “Nothing 2 Lose” lifestyle works like this: Imagine that you are attending a social gathering. Across the room is a student whom you find attractive and would like to get to know better. If you let your perceived fears prevent you from interacting with that person, the gravity of the situation will weigh heavily on your reflection in the water (You will begin to get down on yourself.
Example: “Oh well, she would probably hate me anyway if I talked to her.” Or “I’ll never meet anyone. I’m going to be alone for a long time.”). Then after repeated failures to interact with people whom you are interested in, your image in the pond will actually begin to drowned. This means you become more and more depressed and self-hating as you continually let opportunities slip away).
When your reflection begins to sink deep into the pond (This is when you beat yourself up for not taking action. Example: “Damn me! Why can’t I just go over and talk with her? My life sucks!” Or “I can’t believe I let him walk away without saying anything, again!”), you will indeed feel the lack of air in your lungs. This lack of oxygen will be consistent and unrelenting until the moment you begin resurrecting your distant image in the dark pond water (You will begin to feel better when you finally let go of your fears and take immediate action and engage that fellow student whom you find attractive in a conversation).
However, without direct action, your reflection can remain trapped in this watery grave for years (You could spend a very long time being depressed, alone and disliking yourself). Whereupon, you will begin to believe that you are inferior to students who manage to remain above water and full of breath (You’ll hate others for being able to do what you won’t let yourself do).
Next, through your feelings of inadequacy, you will build up a false sense of security by telling yourself that it is not your fault that you’re stuck below the surface of the pond and can’t breathe (You’ll convince yourself that your depression is everyone else’s fault). Rather than taking responsibility for your plight, you will blame the places that you go to, and you will convince yourself that the people you fail to interact with are in wrong in one way or another. Yet deep down you know that the only difference between the breathing and the breathless is simple and straightforward action.
When you learn to calm the winds of your hesitation and reclaim your rightful place above the water, the words you choose and the results that follow are meaningless. For once you take the action of interaction with someone you find appealing, you are guaranteed a win-win situation. No matter what he or she says back to you, you will know you have done all you could do at that given point in time to make your reflection in the pond rise high above the trappings of breathless solitude (You’ll have taken action and done all you could to fulfill your heart).
This rising above the water of which I speak is certainly an uncertain and daunting task to say the least. Very few students can bring themselves face to face with rejection and possible embarrassment. That is why true happiness is reserved for only those NTU students who know that the choices between interacting (breathing) and seclusion (drowning) are not so much choices as the are sentences. While one option offers a life without limits, the other one sentences its victims to an undetermined stint in personal solitary confinement. Therefore the appearance of a choice is only appearance.
Fret not my young pupil, learning to breathe may seem difficult at first, but once you begin, the hardest part is behind you. Once implemented, the “Nothing 2 Lose” lifestyle grows proportionately stronger as you use it and begin to take control of your happiness. The best realization in life is when you experimentally understand that your happiness is completely under your control. Take a moment to imagine how extraordinary it will be to have complete freedom from your fears, anxiety and the constant threat of downing your reflection. Your social, academic and love life will flourish even though every physical aspect of your life is exactly the same as it has always been. The only change in your life will of course be the invisible transformation of your point of view.
You can start by practicing the “Nothing 2 Lose” in everyday situations like expressing an opinion in class or making the “Clear the Air” phone call to someone you have been arguing with and haven’t spoken to in a long time. The natural high you will get from controlling the path of your own happiness will be 100% addictive. All you have to do is get out of your own way.
Living the “Nothing 2 Lose” goes way beyond social situations. It goes to the place where we generate our self-worth and dances around until our reflection in the pond smiles back at us. This lifestyle allows us to live in action, free from the prison of lonely observation. Look into your reflection my young friend. I am always in there saying, “When trying to walk on water worry about the third step when you take your first.”
*** Joe’s Final Translation ***
“If you worry about the first step, you’ll never get started because it’s the start that stops most students.”
Please visit: for all the details. This is only one of 65 amazing chapters taken from the SMASH HIT BOOK * College Success Code EXPOSED! * 100% Life Enhancing Secrets Professors Don't Know and Parents Can't Tell! written by renowned author and speaker JOE DE PALMA. Email him at
Please visit: for all the details. This is only one of 65 amazing chapters taken from the SMASH HIT BOOK * College Success Code EXPOSED! * 100% Life Enhancing Secrets Professors Don't Know and Parents Can't Tell! written by renowned author and speaker JOE DE PALMA. Email him at

College Scholarships

Due to ever-increasing costs of going to college, it is a good idea to search out available scholarships and apply for them. Scholarships are one of the most enticing forms of financial aid available today. This is because they are available to anyone without any repayment requirements! Many scholarships are overlooked and therefore are a missed opportunity for many students.
If students know about scholarships, they can apply for them, but many students do not know that college scholarships exist. Most students do not understand that there are scholarships obtainable to them, which could pay a major part of their education. In fact, the college scholarship can be used for any educational opportunity. This is includes private or public college, junior college or four-year universities, graduate or certificate programs.
What are college scholarships?
College Scholarships programs come in a variety of forms, which are normally considered free college money. College scholarships, unlike loans, do not have to be repaid. Scholarships can be awarded directly to students in a form of a check or to the school itself. You can receive a scholarship from any of the following types of organizations: charitable foundations, businesses, schools, universities, government agencies, and sometimes-even clubs or groups within the school.
Who can get college scholarships?
Although many scholarships are granted based on grades, this is a misconception. There are scholarships for less than perfect academics as long as you meet the other requirements. They range from athletic scholarships, to community service scholarships.
Many scholarship providers want to reward students for choosing a particular school or state. It is believed by older students that only college-bound high school seniors can apply for scholarship awards, this is not true. Scholarships are accessible for all levels of college study, from freshman undergrads to graduate students. You will need to make sure that you check the requirements for each scholarship for which you apply.
How do students find college scholarships?
It takes some time and energy to find and apply for scholarships, but the hard work will most likely pay off. You can sometimes find them by asking department heads if there are available scholarships, in the department you will major in.
Some student's use highly regarded and accurate scholarship search services on the Internet to save time in the searching process. This is highly recommended. Online resources are a good idea as long as the website offers updated, current data and a way to match the student with the scholarship.
High school students can ask their guidance counselors about their eligibility for local or state scholarship awards. You should also make sure that you contact the financial aid office at the school you plan to attend, to see if they qualify for awards issued by the school. Finally yet importantly, students should ask their parents and friends to be on the lookout for scholarships, while always checking local bulletin boards and newspapers for additional scholarship listings.
For more information, visit College Scholarship
David Chandler For your FREE Stock Market Trading Mini Course: "What The Wall Street Hot Shots Won't Tell You!" go to: The Stock Market Genie

Saturday, November 19, 2005

University Research Projects and Case Studies of the Franchising Model

It seems there is always a business college somewhere putting out industry data research. These research projects give the kids something to do and learn as they practice studying this industry or that. Often one political group or another to illustrate a point or in an attempt prove their side of an argument about a particular industry uses these reports. Sometimes governments, political groups or the industry, fund these projects themselves. Those who use such research or figures should immediately be called into question, as we all know figures lie and liars figure. But are all these kids really lying? No, generally they are doing the best they can with limited resources and lack of knowledge, as well as highly skewed data.
In studying over 22 Industry sectors for the last 20-years in hopes of keeping my company at the forefront of the cleaning industry, I have seen my fair share of research which did not fit my actual knowledge of the industry as an insider or observations thru careful analysis. Recently a research student contacted me to send me a free copy of a research project they did on the Franchising Industry. Sounds great, as it is free right? Well, sure free is a good price indeed, yet the research student and college was in India and it was a study of the franchising Industry World Wide. Being deeply involved in the Industry and having wrote books on the subject, I respectfully declined my free copy noting;
“I appreciate your offer, really I do. Yet, I have experiences, observed and follow the trends, so I find it difficult to understand what information could come from academia that I would not already know. I find academia views of things to be quite skewed and non-understanding of reality. Do you have justification of why I would want your academia-jaded knowledge as perceived by someone who has never done it? Franchising I mean?”
Is this unfair of a comment to the academia world? It is better to make them feel all warm and fuzzy about their work and stay Politically Correct? Or is it better to save the trees to print it and the fuel to ship the research book, if you really do not want it? Additionally isn’t it better to send a message to academia to stop putting out bogus crap or half-backed claims, which in turn are used by worthless politicians to make policy, effecting jobs, tax base, industry and our economic engine? Instead I asked; “If you will send me a summary, I will review it and if appropriate, then I will be glad to post it on our website to help you alert the World about your research and book at my leading industry website”
Additionally I asked the question that everyone should ask when someone tells them that they have proof of their argument due to a study from academia; “Can you convince me, why this information is worthy of note? I would be interested in our justification.” Of course I got no reply and therefore I rest my case. Do not trust academia research on industry, any industry, unless you know the facts and can check their data. Think on this.
"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Friday, November 18, 2005

Find Out What Astrology Can and Can't Do for You

Almost everyone worries about the future at one point or another. We become uncertain about income, relationships, and health, and we do everything in our power to ensure positive outcomes. When personal strength fails, some people decide to turn to astrology and stargazing in hopes of learning more about what lies in their path and what they can do to prepare for it.
If you are thinking about calling a 900-telephone line for advice, keep in mind that anyone can set up shop as a horoscope reader, and there are many scams in place on the Internet and in the yellow pages. Think about it: anyone who could really tell the future could make a pretty good living by working for government agencies, wealthy clients, and serve their own interests through investments and gaming. The vast majority of people purporting to tell the future share very little personal information with a client, but tend to make more generalized statements, like “Happiness is in your future” or “You will lose a loved one in the foreseeable future.” Does “foreseeable” refer to one week or ten years? Without detailed facts, no one should seriously consider the advice of someone with untried or unproven claims.
With that in mind, though, there do seem to be those who have a sixth sense in understanding much about a person they have just met. Sometimes these people can make claims that seem very close to reality, which, when they come to pass, fit the interpretation offered by a horoscope reader.
If you are thinking about consulting a medium, or fortuneteller, about your future, here are some things to consider when selecting a person to contact:
1. How long has the person been reading horoscopes? Has she lived in the immediate area for a long or short time? Does she live in a place that betokens someone making a successful living?
2. Where did the reader learn her skills? Who trained her? When did she realize she had second sight? Does she get ongoing training or study? Have her skills improved over time?
3. Can the person tell her own future? How has that worked out for her? What has she learned about herself and her clients in practicing this skill?
4. With what degree of accuracy can the teller predict your future? Can she offer immediate insight that will prove her claims? Are there client referrals that you can check with to see if their predictions came true?
5. Ask about the teller’s methods. How does she see into the future? How reliable is her methodology?
Take specific questions or areas of your life that you would like to ask about during your consultation. Write down the teller’s specific words or phrases so you can check for accuracy later.
If you believe that you have encountered a scam, don’t hesitate to report it to the Better Business Bureau to help protect others from falling victim to the scam artist.
Find out if Astrology Study can help you when you visit Astrology Study at

Is an MBA Worth it?

What is an MBA worth? It depends. There is no one correct answer that applies to everyone. Career goals, personal circumstances, and occupational requirements are some of the major factors to consider.
Think of getting an MBA as an investment and weight the risks and benefits accordingly.
There are several potential advantages in getting an MBA:
* Recognition from others and self-satisfaction in earning an advanced degree
* Gain enhanced strategic thinking and managerial effectiveness
* Higher pay than someone with less education
* More upward job opportunities, especially management positions
* Larger professional network through faculty, fellow students, and others you meet while in an MBA program
There are some potential disadvantages in getting an MBA:
* You may be considered by some companies, especially the smaller ones, as too expensive
* An MBA may not be required for your career goals
* Emphasis on the MBA might not be worth as much as years of experience to some employers
The cost of an MBA is of its most daunting aspects. But, according to research conducted by Forbes, despite a shaky economy and job market, an M.B.A. still pays for itself in the long term. The average time to recoup your investment is 3.1 years.
An MBA will improve your strategic-thinking skills, develop your leadership abilities, and foster managerial effectiveness. These are skills needed by every type of enterprise. If your career aspirations require the edge of an MBA, it remains a good investment for your future.
Manik Thapar (MBA)

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The Benefit of Home Schooling - 8 Reasons to Educate Your Child at Home

Making the decision to home school is, on the face of it, not an easy one. There are many questions that need to be asked, and answered, before you can take this very significant step in your child's education. What can influence the decision is an idea of some of the benefits of home schooling.
So here are some things to think of.
1. Your child will get one to one attention with you. The issues associated with large class sizes will be gone forever.
2. Noone knows your child better than you, so you can tailor the lessons to suit your child. That will be something that could never happen in a conventional class room.
3. If your child is someone who is particularly susceptible to peer pressure, then home schooling can alleviate the problem. With your child completely under your control, you not only dictate the curricular activities, but the friends and social elements of their day.
4. Family life can return to how it should be. No more strangers passing at the breakfast table.
5. Many children get wrongly labeled with 'learning difficulties' when all that they needed was a different approach. If your child falls into this category, you will be best placed to evaluate your child's needs and requirements.
6. Scientific studies indicate that home schooled children can come out ahead in every measurement. Other factors may affect this of course, but the indications are that home schooled children achieve more academic success than their traditionally schooled counterparts.
7. Research also indicates that home schooled children actually have better social skills than traditionally schooled children. This rather flies in the face of most people's beliefs.
8. Although not a statistic that should affect your decision making, every child taken out of the state controlled education system actually saves the tax payer around $9000 per pupil per year.
Whilst it is not a task to be undertaken lightly, there are compelling reasons for educating your child at home. It can be argued of course that the benefit of home schooling will not be so strong for all children, but equally, there are many who could benefit significantly from home tutoring.
by: Charlie Cory
The article was written by Charlie Cory, who is the owner of Teaching Your Kids. Teaching Your Kids provides advice about home schooling your children.

How To Receive An Education And Training Online

It is not unusual for a person to grow apathetic toward his or her current job. Lack of stimulating work, low pay, and limited growth potential within an organization are all excellent reasons to seek out a way to make a change. One of the best, and easiest, ways to achieve this is to explore furthering your education and training online. This innovative and exciting method of personal and professional improvement has the benefit of allowing you to enhance your career opportunities by either earning a degree or by taking advantage of continuing education options. This is also an ideal option for you if you want to change your career entirely. Education and training can be sought online without interfering with work and family commitments.
In order to get that promotion you’ve been working so hard for, it’s often necessary to further your education and training. Doing so online allows you do achieve your full career potential at your own pace, without interfering with work. In many professions, such as pharmacy, it’s often required to stay up to date with new technologies and pertinent information. A convenient way to do this is to take your continuing education courses online. Some employers are even willing to pay for a portion or all tuition and fees. After all, investing money in their employees can provide long-term benefits for employers.
There are many advantages of choosing an online education and training facility if you wish to further your education and training. There is no need to live near or commute to a school or training facility when all classes can be attended and all coursework submitted online. Attending school online is a great option for those who might have misgivings about going to college as an older student or returning after many years. Furthering your education and training at an online school can make it easier to ease into the routine of class work and projects, an can reduce the stress of feeling the need to fit in with younger college students. Further, the course availability is often convenient for those who work full time and/or care for a family. Frequently, institutions offer evening and weekend sections of courses. It is also very appealing to “go to school” from the comforts of home.
The type of education and training available online is seemingly limitless. The entire spectrum of college degrees is available to a student, including Associate’s, Bachelor’s, and PhD degrees, as well as professional certificates. These degrees are available in many different fields, including Business, Social Sciences, Humanities, Mathematics, Liberal Arts, Fine Arts, and Healthcare programs. In addition to college diplomas, continuing education for professionals is available in many areas, including Healthcare programs, Business, and Information Technology.
Affording to further your education and training online is no different from doing so in a traditional face-to-face institution. Often, financial aid is available to students in the form of grants, loans, and scholarships. It is important to check with the individual institution of interest for requirements and guidelines. Also, many employers may be willing to pay for part or all of an employee’s continuing education. Investing in an employee’s future is also investing in the employer’s future.
The misconception of continuing your education and training online is that the experience might not be as enriching or legitimate as attending face-to-face classes at a traditional college or training facility. Programs offered online present the same opportunities for group work, independent study, and interpersonal communications as their traditional counterparts. In fact, continuing your education online might help to facilitate the learning process as well as develop time management and self-motivation skills. With the prevalence of the Internet and advancements such as teleconferencing in both education and the business world today, it is possible to come away from the experience not only with a degree, but also with greater knowledge and comfort with technology. Continuing your education and training online is a valuable, convenient, and flexible way to broaden your career opportunities.
By Mark Woodcock
Learn the essential information for picking the right online degree course at

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Bullet Launched Micro-MAV

There is a move in the UAV or unmanned aerial vehicle sciences to make smaller and smaller flying units. Now we have MAVs, Micro-autonomous or Micro Air Vehicles, which are 1-foot or less wingspan and may or may not look like a bird and be about that size. Next the scientists are working to build very tiny insect or hummingbird size units which can fly thru windows, between buildings, under tree canopies or even into sewer tunnels, just like an insect.
There are problems when making these technologies very small, as many of the materials needed are cutting edge technologies and so are the sensors that are small enough. Sensors which will need to see walls, obstacles and sense the terrain below to keep them from crashing. Another issue is the need to keep them light and the power source will need to be very tiny and the total weight will be less than that of a tiny battery in a Casio wristwatch. This means the little gadget will need to buzz along with a large power to weight ratio.
I propose that we launch these vehicles inside of a gun, such as a gun they use to use for flares in WWII. The vehicle will be inside of a bullet and it will wind up a spring or material memory rubber band type motor. It will have a little wheel spinning as it rushes through the air and it will either deploy from the bullet or unfold using the bullets skin as its wings. Then it can buzz along for a while with the built up power and then a material memory polymer flapping wing spar will be trickle charging energy to a battery type system which the frame and wings will be made out of. Think on this concept.
"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance;

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Google Profits: It's Not Just A Google Cash Rehash

Finally a book that truly demystifies making money online, and does it in plain English. Google Profits by Wade M. Winger (edited by Denise Blankenship) is an online business related ebook centered around earning money through Google AdWords and ClickBank affiliate products.
What To Expect From Google Profits
The book is geared to those who are new to online or affiliate marketing and can even be of great value to intermediate affiliate marketers. Google Profits explains, in plain English, what an affiliate program, Pay Per Click advertising, ClickBank, and Google AdWords are and why the latter two are the focus of the ebook.
Google Profits continues by explaining how to select affiliate products from ClickBank to market using the 5 step success formula.
  1. Find a product
  2. Set up an advertising campaign
  3. Identify profitable campaigns
  4. Start a full campaign
  5. Expand (make more money)
Each step has supporting information separated into two parts: Information and Action. The information section gives an overview of the step and why it’s important. The action step outlines exactly what you need to should do using the information provided.
Demystifying Google AdWords And Taking The Easy Route With ClickBank
Coming from an Internet Marketing background, I must say that most of the content provided is based on sound advice such, especially the section on developing profitable AdWords campaigns. However, I don’t fully agree with his suggestion to blatantly copy other advertisers if you draw a blank for advertisements.
It seems like a very bad habit in my opinion and doesn’t teach creative thinking. I would suggest emulating the other advertisers. Learn from their ad and then craft a better one.
In addition to the excellent section on developing successful AdWords campaigns, I wish the book included at least a small section on how to manage or keep track of the campaigns. That was an instance that I was glad to have Rosalind Gardner’s Super Affiliate Handbook because it has some great tips for managing and estimating the profitability of AdWords campaigns.
The section on expanding the successful campaigns could have also used a few more details on the advertisers other than Overture and Search123 needing a landing page.
A brief blurb on why he liked the listed advertising sources, any caveats to using them, and any other notes the reader should be aware of before deciding to use them would definitely have enriched the section.
But all in all, my mind was finally able to wrap itself around some of the concepts which seemed so confusing in other articles or ebooks. I now have a much clearer understanding of how to get started advertising with Google AdWords. While it may not be the definitive guide to Google AdWords, it’s certainly enough to get someone ‘new to the game’ started right away.
When Google Profits gets into the ClickBank section, the book states "go to ClickBank and search through the 11,000+ affiliate programs." That may cause some confusion to someone just starting out because ClickBank does not have search function. But he does clear it up when he goes into the explanation for finding the products via the ClickBank marketplace.
Google Profits Makes For Easy Reading
Google Profits is written for the layman, complete with a step by step walk through and screen shots. While the language wasn’t completely elementary, it didn’t contain an overabundance of technical or ‘buzz’ words.
The paragraphs were of a manageable length and the size of the font when printed made for comfortable reading. Because of this relaxed writing style, language, and structure, I found learning from it to be exceptionally easy and enjoyable.
However, there were an odd number of simple grammatical errors for an ebook which has an actual editor. Though not many, it was still slightly perturbing to see them. But not to worry, they certainly didn’t take away from the readability or informational integrity of the ebook itself.
This is an ideal book for those just starting out online or even intermediate online marketers who have been shying away from using Google’s AdWords program because it seemed too complicated or time consuming. I actually felt pumped up and eager to get started before I even arrived at the first ‘Action’ section, but I wanted to read it through once for comprehension before starting.
Final Thoughts and Helpful Advice When Getting Google Profits
If you truly want to get started online with affiliate marketing, it doesn’t get any easier than Google Profits, but make sure you have at least $100 to build up some momentum. Once you’ve established yourself in the black, then take some of that profit and reinvest in to build up a stable monthly income.
If you wish to truly expand and build a business out of affiliate marketing, I’d recommend purchasing Rosalind Gardner’s Super Affiliate Handbook to expound on the Google Profits Success Techniques.
At the end of the day, I give Google Profits 4 out of 5 stars.
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Science in College

With science courses in Universities and Colleges in Ireland varying with the same degree as types of beetle, it is a veritable mix match of scientific disciplines. Covering Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Geology. Mix these categories still further and you get the likes of Biochemistry, Geological Physics and Biogeology.
With such a diverse array of subjects is it possible to cover enough of the basics at second-level? Second-level teaching in Ireland is done through 6 years in Secondary School. The first three years are dedicated to study for what is called the Junior Certificate. Up to Junior Cert. level, science is not broken into it's respective fields but taught as a modular subject.
The final three years of secondary school are dedicated to study for the Leaving Certificate. Points obtained based on your Leaving Cert. determine what courses you qualify for in University. For Leaving Certificate, science is broken into:
  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
Each is taught to a fairly high standard but is it enough to cover you if you want to pursue a scientific endeavour in University. I don't think so. I think there should be an option for broader study of science at second-level without opting to study all the subjects available.
Maybe with the General Election coming up, the authorities might re-examine their policies. Maybe not.
Simon Hall is a Physics Student in Trinity College, Dublin.

Which Online Universities Have Degrees That Are Actually Respected By Employers?

In this era when education is more than mere literacy every individual wants to acquire it from the best place possible. A surge in the number of people aspiring for education and internet as an abounding source of knowledge in all areas have given birth to online education. Today there are countless online universities that offer numerous degree and diploma courses through internet and so bring education at your doorstep. So a person might be situated in any corner of the world he/she can acquire best information on a subject by mere sitting at home. The online universities serve you with proficient teachers who conduct online classes and exams. By sending an email or via conference with the teacher a student can get all his queries clarified.
Though online education is quite expensive and does not fall within every aspirant’s budget but at the same time it is also money saving in quite a few ways. For instance online education saves you from the commutation expenditure, money you spend on stationary, outfits etc.
But today there are a horde of online universities that offer various courses and several other lures to woo students. However there are certain parameters that enable an individual to decide which online university he should go for.
• The foremost issue of consideration is the ‘course’. Try not to compromise on the choice of your course for any other pull that the university is offering. Search for the best online university for your desired course.
• Then take a look at the expenditure. If the course is far beyond your budget, no point probing into further details. In such a case take a look at the other universities that offer that course. The best thing about online universities is the myriad options available. So you will definitely find a university that meets your budget.
• After course and its fees comes the issue of classes, duration of the course etc. It is always prudent to opt for a university that provides lot many classes. For taking classes is an excellent way to comprehend the subject, clarify your doubts and difficulties and also to keep in touch with your studies. Also see the timings of the classes and tenure of the course. For the online education is just not quite beneficial if you are not able to take classes due to job or any other work and fail to do well in exams. Moreover the span of the course should be suitable to you.
• Then what matters is the faculty of the university. Take a look at the faculty directory and see the qualification of the concerned teachers.
• It is always better to go for a university that caters to job facility. If the online university itself does not recommend any placements then its degree should be one that fetches you a good job. This is basically concerned with the university’s reputation. The university’s remarkable reputation is a significant factor in fetching a respectable job. There are some sites that rank various online universities on the basis of their academic status. Some recommended universities are University of Phoenix Online, Capella University, and DeVry University
Mansi aggarwal writes about online universities. Learn more at